Cosmetic Procedures for Your Feet?

October 17, 2010
skin care beverly hills

While many people search for traditional plastic surgery and skin care treatments in Los Angeles, others turn toward more unconventional procedures. It may come as a surprise, but more and more cosmetic foot procedures are being performed. These procedures are primarily aimed at aesthetics, but also may relieve discomfort, particularly when a patient is wearing high heels.

There are many ways to improve the appearance of the feet. Some of the procedures I’ve come across include:

  • Bunion correction to make feet narrower.
  • Toe shortening for toes that hang over the edge of sandals or must be scrunched in shoes.
  • Pinky tuck, which slims down a pinky toe that has become bent and bulbous.
  • Foot fat pad augmentation, which takes fat from a patient’s midsection and injects it into the balls of the feet, providing the patient with added cushioning.

Some conditions such as bunions and hammer toes can be much more than cosmetic, causing discomfort severe enough that insurance may cover surgical correction. Foot surgery for cosmetic reasons is not covered by insurance, and certainly is not very common in the United States. Do you think that any of these procedures have a chance of “catching on” with a wider group of patients in the coming years? Why or why not?
