Answering the Question: “Are They Real?”

breast implants beverly hills

Many of my Los Angeles breast augmentation patients are not sure how to respond when someone asks if their enhanced figure results from surgery. As a plastic surgeon, I believe that there is no “correct” response. The answer depends on the individual’s level of comfort with this personal question. As plastic surgery becomes more popular, […]


The Facts about CoolSculpting® by ZELTIQ®

CoolSculpting beverly hills

Women and men who lead healthy and active lifestyles frequent my office with questions concerning their options for non-surgical alternatives to liposuction in Los Angeles for small and often difficult to remove pockets of fat. CoolSculpting® by ZELTIQ® uses a controlled cooling process to freeze fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by your body. […]


Ready for Liposuction?

liposuction beverly hills

Women and men in Los Angeles considering liposuction may wonder how they can determine whether the procedure is right for them. This procedure is growing in popularity, and is an excellent option for many of my patients who want to eliminate small areas of fat, such as the “love handles.” When patients come to my […]


Laser Hair Removal for Men

laser hair removal beverly hills

As procedural technology improves, more men are discovering the benefits of laser hair removal in Los Angeles. This simple procedure is an effective alternative to more time-consuming methods such as shaving and waxing. Laser hair removal works by directing light energy to melanin in the hair follicle. This inhibits the hair’s growth, resulting in smoother […]


BOTOX® Cosmetic for Busy People

Botox Beverly Hills

More women and men are discovering that BOTOX® Cosmetic in Los Angeles can smooth away the wrinkles, resulting in smooth, youthful skin in areas such as the forehead. This simple, quick treatment provides visible results, with no downtime, making it a great option for those with busy schedules. Learn more about this popular treatment: BOTOX […]


Breast Implant Basics

breast implants los angeles

There are a number of options to consider when women decide to have breast augmentation. At my practice in Los Angeles, breast implant discussions, such as silicone versus saline, typically are the focus of breast augmentation consultations. Here are some of the basics to help you know more about this topic: Silicone implants are filled […]


Understanding the Potential of Tummy Tucks

tummy tuck beverly hills

Women and men often come to our practice after spending countless hours in the gym and trying what seems like every diet available, yet they are still unsatisfied with the overall shape of their bodies. A tummy tuck in Los Angeles is extremely effective in creating a flat and toned abdomen, but the key to […]


5 Facts about Nose Reshaping

Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills

A number of women and men come to my practice with misconceptions and misinformation about Los Angeles rhinoplasty procedures. Here are five facts all people interested in this procedure should be aware of: Rhinoplasty can help a person to not only improve the appearance of her or his nose, but often also restores breathing after […]


Learning about Lip Augmentation

lip augmentation beverly hills

From fashion editorials to box office movies, it’s becoming increasingly evident that full lips are in style. Women and men turn to my Santa Monica area plastic surgery practice in Marina del Rey to learn their options for enhancing their lips and reversing the effects of aging around the mouth. Medical advances have made it […]


Breast Augmentation Recovery Basics

Breast Augmentation Beverly Hills

Some of the most common questions I encounter during a Los Angeles breast augmentation consultation revolve around the general recovery time. Depending on the extent of a person’s surgery, breast augmentation recovery is best understood in a series of stages: Stage 1: The first 48 hours finds most women resting with little to no physical […]