Breast Implant Basics

September 19, 2011
breast implants los angeles

There are a number of options to consider when women decide to have breast augmentation. At my practice in Los Angeles, breast implant discussions, such as silicone versus saline, typically are the focus of breast augmentation consultations. Here are some of the basics to help you know more about this topic:

  • Silicone implants are filled with a cohesive elastic gel that many say feels more like natural breast tissue.
  • Women can typically choose from three incision locations for inserting the implants: under the breast along the natural crease (inframammary incision), under the armpit (transaxillary incision), and around the areola (periarolar incision).
  • Breast implants can be placed under the pectoral muscle, or between the pectoral muscle and breast tissue. This decision is best made with a qualified surgeon, and is often based on a number of factors, including implant type and cosmetic goals.

By understanding the available options and talking with an experienced surgeon, you can achieve your goals more successfully.
